Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"The Right Start Program"

If Brad Morse gets lucky, there will be more reviews about this program... hopefully mine will be the only one ever.... but you have to listen to just how dumb he is via his audio at the site promoting this BS program here: He tries to start out sounding smart, but he's so dumb it unravels into a tedious irrelevant story with numerous grammatical errors.

I would think that by my pointing to his site it could help him sell this program, but it's pretty hard to not get just how dumb he is when you listen to him speak. And if you don't notice what I think is another obvious thing... let me mention it now. He talks about "this guy" who way back in 1994 started learning how to make money on the internet and spent thousands of dollars doing it. He alludes to him now being an expert.... but after finding out (after an incredibly long winded and boring story that most people won't make it through) that he's the "guy", you have to wonder WHERE are the stories and testimonials about him actually having made any money??? There aren't any, probably because he's never made any. Some expert right?

He appears to be pinning his hopes on the "Right Start Program" after 14 years of trial and error.

The problem with this is that a couple of years ago he thought could make him money, but now 2 years later and 9 months after promising to launch it, it's STILL not launched. What he has gotten though are 90,000 emails who he is now trying to sell this new program to.

In case you're new to the Brad Morse and E4L story... there are plenty of posts on this blog about it... but he promised to set up an "Entertainment For Less" reseller site, and brought people in through an MLM structure, and by offering "free lifetime membership" he got 90,000 people to sign up. Now, he's put together the above "morsepromotions" site to promote what he's REALLY been working on these past few months.... an "affiliate program" that he wants YOU to sell so that HE can make a LOT of money. You the affiliate will make what most affiliates make... NEXT TO NOTHING. HE will make a killing if anyone actually promotes it and it takes off.

ME???? I'm writing to warn you not to because it's total BS that he promised 90,000 people to start a completely different business, and continues to promise that it will launch, but it appears for all intents and purposes it never will. All he really seems to want to do is sell this BS affiliate program to. And he's now only promising to get the E4L back office up IN A MONTH FROM NOW (that would be 10 months overdue in the unlikely event he actually gets it up).

So here's my review without having seen the program (99% chance I'm right):

YOU learn how to sell HIS program to OTHERS. YOU promise that they will make money by selling it themselves, and THEY promise to the new suckers that they will make money by selling HIS program too. Lots of sales for Brad, next to none for you.

Since he loved the "Get Google Ads Free" BS program he'll probably promote that you should promote it on Google and hope that your expenses are paid by your sales, and then you too can call that "free" advertising.

In the end, Brad has no testimonials of ever making an honest dime on the internet, but is now promoting himself as an expert who can teach you how to do what he's never done. And if you buy it, he will finally make some money... but I won't call it an "honest" dime. It seems incredibly dishonest to me.