Monday, December 10, 2007

E4L sinks to a new low

Shocking! Stupid! Sad! What can I call this new E4L low??? The fact that not one person has picked up on what appears to be a truly 100% illegal pyramid scam being pushed by E4L's highest upline person, a woman named Lorna, is all of those things.

I didn't get the email so I can't say this with 100% certainty, but... I'm about 99% certain... that Lorna has emailed a ton of people something that can get her, and anyone who falls prey to it, into a lot of trouble. Lorna is probably the first, or one of the first to get enrolled in E4L and apparently has the largest downline with many thousands of people below her. But with no E4L business, apparently she's also broke.

Reading their Forum today, one member of E4L asked on the E4L forum if they had gotten an email from Lorna that in part said "pay $10 via paypal to her and put my name on the list then resend it to 100 people".
Ouch - right there I knew it was one of those illegal pyramid chain email letters that collapse very quickly, and are so obviously illegal that they get some of the participants reported to the Feds.

But not one person appears to have picked up on it. In fact, Lorna is the first to respond to his post.. and instead of apologizing, she insults him for "sensationalism". Yikes... how can she have no clue? It makes you wonder if she's ever responded to some Nigerian "attorney" who just needed $10,000 in order to give her 10% of some deceased billionaires fortune. How do people not see through these obvious scams? But there it is... her naked admission of being involved in a pyramid or Ponzi scheme... the kind that isn't iffy like E4L... it's 100% illegal.

What's more, her email apparently suggests using PayPal... and of course that will get her account closed... because oddly enough illegal things are against the PayPal rules. And I believe E4L... if they ever pay anyone anything... is planning to pay people via PayPal.

These things are so obviously illegal to me... maybe because I write about them. But I still don't understand how everyone else on that Forum has totally missed it too. In fact, a few of them are practically begging to be forwarded the email to they can get in on the scam.

Sometimes illegal pyramid schemes are disguised so well that they are hard to decipher and easy to get sucked into. But this is an incredibly obvious one that you'd think only the shockingly stupid could possibly get sucked into. Now I understand why these folks are still sticking around E4L after a full 4.5 months of missing their launch date. They all appear to be gullible and/or stupid not recognizing an obvious scam.

This scam is one sent via email, that says if you only send $10 to the person in the first position, and place your name on the list in the 5th position, and then forward the email to 100 friends, you'll earn some insane amount of money. It's usually something like $30,000 in 30 days, or $30,000 every month, so some "too good to be true" amount of time and money.

Now if the above works, and you send off $10 to the person in first position, and the scheme actually works and you get moved up to a 1st position and people start sending you money... well, congratulations, you'll get a lot of money sent to you. Then, PayPal will shut you down, and someone who gets emailed will turn you in. You may get fined and you will certainly have to give the money back. But chances are the scheme will collapse before it gets to you... which will be the best thing that can happen. You'll be out $10 and PayPay won't be the wiser.

When something sounds too good to be true... especially "get rich quick" promises... well... it's too good to be true. And if you're lucky, people who get sucked into these scams won't be the types of people trying to run your company. Ahh E4L... you guys are ridiculous.