Thursday, November 22, 2007

Unanswered E4L questions

Finally E4L sends out an email that doesn't try to extract money from it's members... AND Brad now promises a December launch. Could be another promise about to be broken, or just maybe they'll turn this apparent scam into a legitimate business. But even IF they actually do launch, it's time to return to the still unanswered questions.

The biggest and most important one is WHERE is the compensation plan? What or how will members be paid!!! Will they get a percentage of gross profits, a percentage of the gross sale, what???

WHY is this simple question not answered? Listen to the zealots and you hear how great it is that you get a "matching bonus" so if someone in your downline earns $10, then you earn $10 too. But not one person knows what their downline will ever make. Maybe they'll made 1 cent per product purchased, so it will require 5,000 purchased products just to earn a measly $50.

Why aren't members kicking and screaming to get a published compensation plan? Why would they spend so much time and effort building a business (meaning their downline) with absolutely no idea what, if anything, they will earn from their efforts?

My guess is that only Brad will make any "real" money if the business ever does launch. He's proven that he's OK shamelessly extracting profits from his members, so why should it be any different with the "real" business? And by hiding the compensation plan details... presumably until AFTER products start being purchased, he can introduce anything he wants AFTER he knows what his personal profit potential is going to be. He will have to pay that "matching bonus" but he can decide that very little initially gets paid so that there's very little to "match".

So where are the screaming calls for a published compensation plan? How can a business launch without one? Will Brad pocket virtually all of the very limited profits from a very low margin business and laugh all the way to the bank? Only time will tell. For now, no one appears smart enough to demand details.

If Brad can actually launch, and not pay for recruitment, he can put himself in the "legit" box and stay out of the "scam" box, and so my review job would be done. But I still predict a dismal failure of a business for everyone, except maybe Brad.