Apparently the "comments" sections here was in "pre-launch" as the feature had been accidentally locked. So now everyone is free to comment away.
I discovered the "comments" mistake on the E4L Forum... the folks there have called me out on several things... funny too that one even called me a "wimp" for not revealing my identity. Duh - if the E4L censorship team finds out who I am they'll ban me from the Forum - which I can currently get into without a problem BECAUSE they don't know who I am.
As for why write a blog? Notice first that E4L isn't the only company discussed here. It sounds like a lot of good people have been sucked into a bad idea over at E4L. On a "Lunch with Lorna" E4L call they had a guest speaker... he's got a huge 1200 person downline in E4L. He freely admits that he's never had any internet opportunity luck stating that he's been sucked into many scams, good ideas with bad management, as well as into companies with bad ideas. It's weird that anyone would trust this guys' judgement since
his batting average is ZERO in choosing companies... he obviously hasn't learned from his numerous mistakes... and that's pretty much WHY I would write a blog...
the bottom line is that there are MORE scams, more good ideas with bad management, and more bad ideas that people make the mistake of thinking they are good ideas... than there are good ideas, with good management, that are legitimate businesses. I'd like to expose all of the bad ones because they give the entire MLM industry a bad name.
E4L is definitely one of the "bad" three (scam, good idea but bad mgt, or bad idea)... in fact it looks worse... it might be a scam... and it appears to be BOTH a "bad idea" with "bad management".
Since it looks, smells and acts like a scam, even if it turns out not to be one... that OBVIOUSLY means it's bad management. By the way - bad management never produces a successful company... please give me examples of bad mgt and successful companies... comments are open for that - lol.
So the final question is whether or not it's a good idea.
To me...
it's obviously a bad idea. You can't make millionaires out of anyone but the founder when there are near-zero margins. Try to undercut a low margin industry... and then promise to share in the minimal profits... there is next to nothing to share - so how can anyone make any money? The biggest knock against MLM's are that only those at the top make any money. To combat that you need very large margins to be able to have the ability to enrich as many people as possible. With no margins, and virtually no one making any money, no one will promote E4L the way they do with high-margin MLM's.
Along these lines is the dumbest of the dumb ideas in E4L which is the belief that a customer who gets a surprise check will be so ecstatic that they'll try to get all their friends to buy from E4L. My question is - WHAT CHECKS when there are no margins? A check for 10 cents... 50 cents... a buck? Even if it were a $50 check on a $2,000 purchase... who does that excite? I can get that on my Discover card, yet I don't excitedly tell all my friends to go out and get their own card.
There are no margins... repeat that to yourself at the end of every statement you could possibly make in support of the E4L idea... without margins... no one can get rich... without margins... no one can get rich... without margins... no one can get rich... without margins... no one can get rich... without margins... no one can get rich... without margins... no one can get rich... without margins... no one can get rich
More "proof" in my mind that it's bad management with a possibility of an outright scam...
1. this week is 3 weeks from my first E4L post when I said I'd make my final call - whether it's a "scam" or "legit". This week they should have a functioning site selling "Entertainment for Less" products - so far nothing is up. Why?
2. this week they are having a conference in Las Vegas at the ultra luxury Excalibur (NOT - my 2nd least favorite on-the-strip hotel there after Circus Circus). What are they going to talk about? Well, every online conference they talk about "dreams" and promises... can an in-person conference be any different?
2. Brad has listed a "cool" eBook in the back office - it's a ClickBank Affiliate link to "" which has been called out as more or less another worthless eBook... basically it suggests you buy Google Adwords... and send the clicks to a page where you sell more expensive ads. So the ads you sell pay for the ones you buy... plus a profit. Save your $67 - and tell Brad he's making himself look dumb at best... and at worst, he looks like a con man about to leave the country with your money when he's trying to make more money off of you on worthless junk.
The eBook costs $67... and the Affiliate payment Brad will collect is 75% or $50.25. Don't trust me? Read
this forum for other's opinions on the eBook.
So... Brad - the self-proclaimed Internet expert since 1994 who wants to teach E4L VIP members how to make $10,000 to $100,000 per month within 6 months... is selling crappy ClickBank products - but nothing else so far (well, VIP memberships and the ability to purchase future customers). Can he do ANYTHING that doesn't appear extremely suspicious????
For those on the E4L forum who want me to "offer solutions"... one idea...GET OUT... find a legitimate opportunity that is already in business, who have a known and trusted management team... and WHO HAVE A PAY PLAN.
Most MLM's fail in their first year or two... it appears this one is a
still-born. When the supposed launch is so poorly done - what will it be like when (or if) they do launch.
But here's another "solution"... since you and I can't solve the E4L problem... you can ASK QUESTIONS. Ask for details... ask for the business plan (a business plan was written - right?). Ask to see the bank account and books. Weren't they stating that they would be doing national TV advertising? If so, ask to see the ad mock ups. Ask what Ad Agency was hired to do the work - not just to create the ads, but to place the spots. Ask very specific follow up questions whenever another promise is made (see my
HotConference post for what I mean about "details"). You see... there is no solution if this is a scam... the only solution is for you to find out NOW before wasting more time and money. If it's not a scam... and Brad is just a nice guy who has no idea how to launch or operate a business... then there isn't a solution for you and I either... his business will fail, and we'll have nothing to show for it.
Finally - one Forum poster commented on my comment that if E4L became as successful as, the top 1,000 in E4L would be earning $300,000 a year... or some nonsense number.
FIRST - you have to become as successful as Do you really think there is even the remotest chance of that happening????
Is a 5-person team that can't even launch a simple reseller site going to do what thousands of other companies have tried to do in becoming as successful as Not even in your wildest dreams will this come true. And UNBELIEVABLE success would be one-tenth of Amazon's or $1.2 BILLION in revenue (also NEVER going to happen) and $30,000 per year for the top 1000 in E4L.
$30,000 for the top 1,000 would be an absolute miracle... even $1.2 million and $3,000 for the top 1,000 would be a major surprise to me.
I don't blame you folks for getting sucked into this one... it happened to lots of people during the Dot Com boom... the sock puppet and it's Super Bowl ads had everyone believing selling online pet food and supplies was a brilliant idea... so you've been sucked in too. But now you've been warned. It's a bad idea with bad management at best... and it might be worse... to date it looks, smells and acts like a scam... by the end of this week... if they still haven't launched... will you still believe it's not one?????