Monday, August 6, 2007

Is it illegal when it's not unique?

I've run across "GDI" or Global Domains International a couple of times. Their business is to sell domain names that end with .ws instead of .com

You can get .com, .us, .net, .biz, .org and .name (and many others) for between $6.95 to $9.75 for an entire year at where I buy ALL of my domain names.

In fact, I just looked up my own name for .ws and it's $9.75 for the year. So what does GDI charge? They charge $35 per year AND I have to commit to two years. That's 350% higher!!! Obviously the extra money is tacked on so they can pay something out to their MLM distributors - right? If I were to commit to 10 years, their cheapest price is $24 per year.

So let me repeat - I can buy the SAME .ws domain for $9.75 per year with only a 1 year commitment... or spend $70 for a 2 year commitment if I buy from the company who launched the .ws domain.

Doesn't this sound like paying for recruitment? I mean what's the extra money for? In legal MLM's you pay a small member fee to become a Distributor and get access to CHEAPER prices... NOT higher prices.

So why would you join GDI? Well, it appears it would be ONLY to make money... not for any other reason. "Legal" MLM's need a legitimate product... and while selling .ws domain names is a product... there would be no business for distributors if they didn't charge 350% more for the "product".

To actually be eligible to earn money in GDI you need to spend $10 per month to get a website with email addresses. Well, once again at I can get the same thing for between $1.99 and $3.99 per month.

So you tell me... it GDI "legal". Oh, I know the company will tell you they are... but since it often takes years for the FTC or Attorney Generals to go after the illegal ones like BurnLounge... only time will tell.