I listened in on a call that "founder" Brad Morse hosted where I expected to hear an update about when the E4L.biz web site and business would officially launch. Their original date was August 1st... the call was August 11th. In summary... there was ZERO info on when E4L will launch... and yet another "carrot" dangled in front of the starving (for news, a business and money) members.
To recap before delving into this farce of a call.... the business concept is to offer below-market prices on "entertainment" products (e for "entertainment", 4L is "for less"). Despite the fact that Frys.com and Amazon.com among others sell TV's and DVD's online already, they've made this a "dream" of a new idea by offering an "affiliate" or Network Marketing pay plan. Now... there is NO published pay plan... but despite this fact, at least 70,000 people have signed up into the system... all "pre-launch". When complainers littered their members only forum after they missed the August 1st launch, they deleted all negative posts (don't you love censorship - NOT) and apparently even banned people from the forum.
So.. back to the "update" call. Once again Brad said "soon" and "by next week" which he's said in past weeks... all with no results. That is it for the update. Instead he offered another monetary and opportunity carrot... he claims that he's been in internet marketing since 1994... and that he threw thousands of dollars at some experts in internet marketing to share their "real secrets" rather than the crappy eBooks that they all sell... and he's going to train 5 "VIP" members (you had to pay $20 to be a VIP member during "pre-launch") on his system so that he could use that time to develop his tools and gain testimonials. The carrot is that he claims he's going to teach those 5 how to make between $10,000 and $100,000 PER MONTH within 6 months.
OH MY THE EXCITEMENT.... and slight of hand... watch the new carrot in the left hand so that you don't notice that E4L.biz is still not up in the other hand.
For you E4L zealots... I took a look at Amazon.com's financials. Their profit margin is 2.51%. On over $12 BILLION in revenue, that's $300 million in profits. Lets say E4L somehow becomes as big as Amazon... with 70,000 "affiliates" already... that means you'll make $4,300 per year if they share 100% of their profits. Which they won't... maybe they'll share 50% (a typical MLM number) so you'll make $2,150 per year. And that's if E4L can match Amazon... which... no matter how zealous you are... you can't believe they'll get any where near that large - right??? So let's say E4L is a HUGE success and becomes a $1 billion company with 2.51% profit margins... and you... an pre-launch member... averages $215 per year in revenues... woop dee doo!!!!
The reason why the zealots love the "Brad's dream" is because they say people will buy from E4L and get a commission check... which will excite them... and so they will in turn refer others... all into the downlines of the original 70,000. But again, using Amazon's 2.51% profit margin... what checks will these customers get that will so excite them? They'd have to buy a $2,000 TV just to make $50. And on DVD's... if you buy a $12 DVD... you get a 30 cent check????
My problem with all of this is two-fold - the idea seems dumb... and second is that this Brad Morse dude keeps missing date after date, and promise after promise, and he has two solutions for this.... the first is to ban complainers (ie censorship) and the second is to make a new, and totally unrelated promise. The zealots latch onto the next "dream" and stick around longer, and longer, and longer.
What I say to them now is... if he can't launch one "dream"... WHY would you think he could successfully launch another one? What will he teach you in this training program???? How to make money off of unfilled promises????
This one scares me... stay tuned... by the end of August... if they don't launch, I think even the zealots will finally pour the extra large servings of coolaide down the drain.